Connected successfully
State with max population: California
States ordered by descending population:State | Population |
California | 39144818 |
Texas | 27469114 |
Florida | 20271272 |
New York | 19795791 |
Illinois | 12859995 |
Pennsylvania | 12802503 |
Ohio | 11613423 |
Georgia | 10214860 |
North Carolina | 10042802 |
Michigan | 9922576 |
New Jersey | 8958013 |
Virginia | 8382993 |
Washington | 7170351 |
Arizona | 6828065 |
Massachussets | 6794422 |
Indiana | 6619680 |
Tennessee | 6600299 |
Missouri | 6083672 |
Maryland | 6006401 |
Wisconsin | 5771337 |
Minnesota | 5489594 |
Colorado | 5456574 |
South Carolina | 4896146 |
Alabama | 4858979 |
Louisiana | 4670724 |
Kentucky | 4425092 |
Oregon | 4028977 |
Oklahoma | 3911338 |
Connecticut | 3590886 |
Iowa | 3123899 |
Utah | 2995919 |
Mississippi | 2992333 |
Arkansas | 2978204 |
Kansas | 2911641 |
Nevada | 2890845 |
New Mexico | 2085109 |
Nebraska | 1896190 |
West Virginia | 1844128 |
Idaho | 1654930 |
Hawaii | 1431603 |
New Hampshire | 1330608 |
Maine | 1329328 |
Rhode Island | 1056298 |
Montana | 1032949 |
Delaware | 945934 |
South Dakota | 858469 |
North Dakota | 756927 |
Alaska | 738432 |
District of Columbia | 672228 |
Vermont | 626042 |
Wyoming | 586107 |
State with min population: Wyoming
States ordered by ascending population:State | Population |
Wyoming | 586107 |
Vermont | 626042 |
District of Columbia | 672228 |
Alaska | 738432 |
North Dakota | 756927 |
South Dakota | 858469 |
Delaware | 945934 |
Montana | 1032949 |
Rhode Island | 1056298 |
Maine | 1329328 |
New Hampshire | 1330608 |
Hawaii | 1431603 |
Idaho | 1654930 |
West Virginia | 1844128 |
Nebraska | 1896190 |
New Mexico | 2085109 |
Nevada | 2890845 |
Kansas | 2911641 |
Arkansas | 2978204 |
Mississippi | 2992333 |
Utah | 2995919 |
Iowa | 3123899 |
Connecticut | 3590886 |
Oklahoma | 3911338 |
Oregon | 4028977 |
Kentucky | 4425092 |
Louisiana | 4670724 |
Alabama | 4858979 |
South Carolina | 4896146 |
Colorado | 5456574 |
Minnesota | 5489594 |
Wisconsin | 5771337 |
Maryland | 6006401 |
Missouri | 6083672 |
Tennessee | 6600299 |
Indiana | 6619680 |
Massachussets | 6794422 |
Arizona | 6828065 |
Washington | 7170351 |
Virginia | 8382993 |
New Jersey | 8958013 |
Michigan | 9922576 |
North Carolina | 10042802 |
Georgia | 10214860 |
Ohio | 11613423 |
Pennsylvania | 12802503 |
Illinois | 12859995 |
New York | 19795791 |
Florida | 20271272 |
Texas | 27469114 |
California | 39144818 |
State with the closest average population size: Missouri
State with largest land size in square miles: Alaska
State with smallest land size in square miles: Rhode Island
State with the closest average land size in square miles: North Dakota
State with the largest size in square miles of water: Alaska
State with the smallest size in square miles of water: District of Columbia
State with the closest average size in square miles of water: North Carolina
Total US population: 321418820
Total Land Size in square miles: 3537441
Total Water Size in square miles: 256645
Average population size per land square mile for each state:
State | Pop/land square mile |
Alabama | 95.7547 |
Alaska | 1.2911 |
Arizona | 60.0877 |
Arkansas | 57.1984 |
California | 250.9943 |
Colorado | 52.6097 |
Connecticut | 741.1529 |
Delaware | 484.1013 |
Florida | 375.9021 |
Georgia | 176.4042 |
Hawaii | 222.8870 |
Idaho | 19.9999 |
Illinois | 231.3615 |
Indiana | 184.5619 |
Iowa | 55.9147 |
Kansas | 35.5881 |
Kentucky | 111.3847 |
Louisiana | 107.2201 |
Maine | 43.0733 |
Maryland | 614.5284 |
Massachussets | 866.6355 |
Michigan | 174.6809 |
Minnesota | 68.9561 |
Mississippi | 63.7929 |
Missouri | 88.3151 |
Montana | 7.0968 |
Nebraska | 24.6668 |
Nevada | 26.3220 |
New Hampshire | 148.3729 |
New Jersey | 1207.7677 |
New Mexico | 17.1818 |
New York | 419.2780 |
North Carolina | 206.1711 |
North Dakota | 10.9738 |
Ohio | 283.6139 |
Oklahoma | 56.9610 |
Oregon | 41.9698 |
Pennsylvania | 285.6618 |
Rhode Island | 1010.8115 |
South Carolina | 162.6086 |
South Dakota | 11.3128 |
Tennessee | 160.1354 |
Texas | 104.9252 |
Utah | 36.4715 |
Vermont | 67.6802 |
Virginia | 211.7238 |
Washington | 107.7535 |
West Virginia | 76.5897 |
Wisconsin | 106.2666 |
Wyoming | 6.0361 |
District of Columbia | 11020.1311 |
Average population size per land square mile for the entire US: 90.8620
Average population size per water square mile for each state:
State | Pop/water square mile |
Alabama | 2900.8830 |
Alaska | 8.0866 |
Arizona | 18810.0964 |
Arkansas | 2680.6517 |
California | 5059.4310 |
Colorado | 14512.1649 |
Connecticut | 5144.5358 |
Delaware | 1768.1009 |
Florida | 1713.8377 |
Georgia | 6724.7268 |
Hawaii | 317.5694 |
Idaho | 2010.8505 |
Illinois | 5519.3112 |
Indiana | 12013.9383 |
Iowa | 7751.6104 |
Kansas | 6302.2532 |
Kentucky | 6497.9325 |
Louisiana | 564.2334 |
Maine | 293.9040 |
Maryland | 2281.2005 |
Massachussets | 2502.5495 |
Michigan | 248.6113 |
Minnesota | 749.0236 |
Mississippi | 1964.7623 |
Missouri | 7437.2518 |
Montana | 693.2544 |
Nebraska | 3934.0041 |
Nevada | 3933.1224 |
New Hampshire | 3483.2670 |
New Jersey | 6869.6419 |
New Mexico | 8948.9657 |
New York | 2696.2396 |
North Carolina | 1966.0928 |
North Dakota | 439.0528 |
Ohio | 2995.4663 |
Oklahoma | 3177.3664 |
Oregon | 1690.0071 |
Pennsylvania | 10341.2787 |
Rhode Island | 2112.5960 |
South Carolina | 2563.4272 |
South Dakota | 696.8093 |
Tennessee | 7127.7527 |
Texas | 4049.1029 |
Utah | 1087.4479 |
Vermont | 1719.8956 |
Virginia | 2636.1613 |
Washington | 1507.6432 |
West Virginia | 12132.4211 |
Wisconsin | 515.8506 |
Wyoming | 820.8782 |
District of Columbia | 96032.5714 |
Average population size per water square mile for the entire US: 1252.3868
State birds:
YellowhammerState trees:
Southern PineState flowers:
CamelliaNumber of states with the same state bird:
Bird | # of States |
American Seagull | 1 |
Baltimore Oriole | 1 |
Blue Hen Chicken | 1 |
Bluebird | 2 |
Brown Thrasher | 1 |
Cactus Wren | 1 |
California Valley Quail | 1 |
Cardinal | 7 |
Chickadee | 2 |
Common Loon | 1 |
Eastern Brown Pelican | 1 |
Eastern Goldfinch | 2 |
Great Carolina Wren | 1 |
Hermit Thrush | 1 |
Lark Bunting | 1 |
Mockingbird | 5 |
Mountain Bluebird | 2 |
Nene | 1 |
Purple Finch | 1 |
Rhode Island Red | 1 |
Ring-necked Pheasant | 1 |
Roadrunner | 1 |
Robin | 3 |
Ruffed Grouse | 1 |
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher | 1 |
Western Meadowlark | 6 |
Willow Goldfinch | 1 |
Willow Ptarmigan | 1 |
Wood thrush | 1 |
Yellowhammer | 1 |
Number of states with the same state tree:
Tree | # of States |
American Elm | 2 |
American Holly | 1 |
Baldcypress | 1 |
Blue Spruce | 2 |
Bristlecone Pine | 1 |
Cabbage Palmetto | 2 |
California Redwood | 1 |
Cottonwood | 3 |
Douglas fir | 1 |
Eastern Hemlock | 1 |
Eastern Redbud | 1 |
Eastern White Pine | 2 |
Flowering Dogwood | 2 |
Kukui | 1 |
Live Oak | 1 |
Northern Red Oak | 1 |
Oak | 1 |
Ohio Buckeye | 1 |
Paloverde | 1 |
Paper Birch | 1 |
Pecan | 1 |
Pine | 2 |
Pinyon | 1 |
Ponderosa Pine | 1 |
Red Maple | 1 |
Red Pine | 1 |
Scarlet oak | 1 |
Sitka Spruce | 1 |
Southern Magnolia | 1 |
Southern Pine | 1 |
Sugar Maple | 4 |
Western Hemlock | 1 |
Western White Pine | 1 |
White Oak | 3 |
White Spruce | 1 |
Yellow Poplar | 3 |
Number of states with the same state flower:
Flower | # of States |
American Beauty rose | 1 |
American dogwood | 1 |
Apple blossom | 2 |
Bitterroot | 1 |
Black-eyed susan | 1 |
California poppy | 1 |
Camellia | 1 |
Cherokee rose | 1 |
Coast rhododendron | 1 |
Flowering dogwood | 1 |
Forget-me-not | 1 |
Goldenrod | 2 |
Hawaiian hibiscus | 1 |
Hawthorn | 1 |
Indian paintbrush | 1 |
Magnolia | 2 |
Mayflower | 1 |
Mistletoe | 1 |
Mountain laurel | 2 |
Orange blossom | 1 |
Oregon grape | 1 |
Pasque flower | 1 |
Peach blossom | 1 |
Peony | 1 |
Pink and white lady's slipper | 1 |
Purple iris | 1 |
Purple lilac | 1 |
Purple violet | 1 |
Red clover | 1 |
Rhododendron | 1 |
Rocky Mountain columbine | 1 |
Rose | 1 |
Sagebrush | 1 |
Saguaro cactus blossom | 1 |
Scarlet carnation | 1 |
Sego lily | 1 |
Sunflower | 1 |
Syringa, mock orange | 1 |
Texas Blue Bonnet | 1 |
Violet | 2 |
White pine cone and tassel | 1 |
Wild prairie rose | 2 |
Wood violet | 1 |
Yellow jessamine | 1 |
Yucca flower | 1 |
Order of Statehood:
State | Date |
Delaware | 1787-12-07 |
Pennsylvania | 1787-12-12 |
New Jersey | 1787-12-18 |
Georgia | 1788-01-02 |
Connecticut | 1788-01-09 |
Massachussets | 1788-02-06 |
Maryland | 1788-04-28 |
South Carolina | 1788-05-23 |
New Hampshire | 1788-06-21 |
Virginia | 1788-06-25 |
New York | 1788-07-26 |
North Carolina | 1789-11-21 |
Rhode Island | 1790-05-29 |
Vermont | 1791-03-04 |
District of Columbia | 1791-09-09 |
Kentucky | 1792-06-01 |
Tennessee | 1796-06-01 |
Ohio | 1803-03-01 |
Louisiana | 1812-04-30 |
Indiana | 1816-12-11 |
Mississippi | 1817-12-10 |
Illinois | 1818-12-03 |
Alabama | 1819-12-14 |
Maine | 1820-03-15 |
Missouri | 1821-08-10 |
Arkansas | 1836-06-15 |
Michigan | 1837-01-26 |
Florida | 1845-03-03 |
Texas | 1845-12-29 |
Iowa | 1846-12-28 |
Wisconsin | 1848-05-29 |
California | 1850-09-09 |
Minnesota | 1858-05-11 |
Oregon | 1859-02-14 |
Kansas | 1861-01-29 |
West Virginia | 1863-06-20 |
Nevada | 1864-10-31 |
Nebraska | 1867-03-01 |
Colorado | 1876-08-01 |
South Dakota | 1889-11-02 |
North Dakota | 1889-11-02 |
Montana | 1889-11-08 |
Washington | 1889-11-11 |
Idaho | 1890-07-03 |
Wyoming | 1890-07-10 |
Utah | 1896-01-04 |
Oklahoma | 1907-11-16 |
New Mexico | 1912-01-06 |
Arizona | 1912-02-14 |
Alaska | 1959-01-03 |
Hawaii | 1959-08-21 |